Besides public_filename there are other methods within the
Attachment_fu' modified model that you can get at.. I don't remember off
the top of my head what it's name is but you can do the following to
find out
Picture.instance_methods.grep /path/
One of those methods should get you an absolute path in which your
after_save filter should work..
I haven't done this myself (other than using the alternate path methods)
and it's only the path I would take myself..
I have the exact same code as you do, and it works pefectly.
Actually, I also have 'unless self.thumbnail?' at the beginning of
that code block because I was getting my fullsize logo on top of my
thumbnails as well, but that's a different story.
I would check your paths to make sure that things are where you expect
them. 'after save' is, well, after the record/file is saved, so I
would look elsewhere for your problem. When you're looking at the
error page, are you 1000% sure that the path shown for the error page
exists and is valid?