attachment_fu - uploading from different models in the same action


I've got a situation where I want to upload a zip file and an image from the same form. Each attachment is a different model. So, here's what I've got.


class LogoImage < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :company

  has_attachment :max_size => 1.megabytes,                  :storage => :s3,                  :s3_config_path => (RAILS_ROOT + '/config/ companies_s3.yml'),                  :content_type => :image,                  :thumbnails => { :large => '96x96>' ,                                   :medium => '64x64>' ,                                   :small => '48x48>'},                  :processor => :MiniMagick

  validates_as_attachment end

class ZipFile < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :apps

  has_attachment :max_size => 1.megabytes,                  :storage => :s3,                  :s3_config_path => (RAILS_ROOT + '/config/ apps_s3.yml'),                  :content_type => :image,                  :thumbnails => { :large => '96x96>' ,                                   :medium => '64x64>' ,                                   :small => '48x48>'},                  :processor => :MiniMagick

  validates_as_attachment end

class App < ActiveRecord::Base   has_one :zip_file   belongs_to :companies end

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base   has_one :logo_image   has_one :app end

#### View ##### <%= error_messages_for :company %> <%= error_messages_for :app %> <%= error_messages_for :zip_file %> <%= error_messages_for :logo_image %>

<% form_tag({:action => "new_app"}, { :multipart=>true }) do -%>   <%= file_field_tag "zip_file" %>   <%= file_field_tag "logo_image" %> <% end %>

### CONTROLLER #### def new_app   @app = params[:id].nil? ? : App.find(params[:id])   @company =[:company])   @zip_file = => params[:zip_file])   @logo_image = => params[:logo_image])

  if     @app.attributes = params[:app]     @company.attributes = params[:company]

    App.transaction do!

      @logo_image.company_id =!

      @app.company_id =!

      @zip_file.app_id =!     end   end end

## config files ## apps_s3.yml

development:     bucket_name: apps_development     access_key_id: id     secret_access_key: key


development:     bucket_name: companies_development     access_key_id: id     secret_access_key: key


Of course, there is a lot more info in there, but I tried to condense it. The issue is that everything is getting saved, but the logo image is getting saved in the same bucket as the zip file. It seems that attachment_fu is just taking the bucket from the last attachment saved and putting them both there. Either this is a bug or I'm doing something wrong or it isn't meant to do what I'm trying to do.

Any ideas?
