attachment_fu and rails 1.2.5 and rails 2.0pre

Anyone successfully using attachment_fu with rails 1.2.5 and/or rails 2.0 pre?

I would like to use database storage.

The attachment_fu tests fail for me against the 2.0 preview release, as do those for acts_as_attachment and acts_as_paranoid.


I am using attachment_fu with Rails 1.2.5 with no problem, using both file and s3 storage. As Sven noted, the tests do fail, but, at least for my simple usage, it seems to be fine in operation.

- Danny

I'd chalk it up to bad tests. I'm using it in about every one of my projects without problems (rails 2.0). acts_as_attachment is the old version, I don't recall what version of rails it was written for, but I'd definitely suggest attachment_fu.

Thanks, Rick, that's good to know. The tests work better in 1.2.5 but by default they seem to want to test every option, and they require that you have a lot of stuff installed (rmagick, etc.). I'm not sure what you're supposed to do as a plugin developer to write tests that are sufficient without being burdensome to run. And thanks for these plugins, in any case.

For what it's worth the problems I've had with your plugin tests on the 2.0 preview release wither take the form of the tests trying to load, say, 1.2.5 gem rails, when 1.2.5.xxxx has already been loaded (if both 1.2.5 and 1.2.5.xxxx are installed) or they are complaints about the missing breakpoint library.
