attachment_fu and paperclip comparison needed

Hi   Could anybody please give a comparison on which of these to use? For example in attachment_fu documentation I saw files can be stored finally 4 ways like File system   Database file   Amazon S3   Rackspace (Mosso) Cloud Files

     Like that many more. So if a get a proper comparison that will be very beneficial

Thanks in advance Tom

Hi   I did not get a reply to this. Any comment please?


Tom Mac wrote:

Hi   I did not get a reply to this. Any comment please?


Well, you've obviously done some of your research in order to quote the abilities of attachment_fu.

What about paperclip? The source of a proper comparison should be yourself, as you are the one making the judgment call as to which will suit your needs the best.

My own opinion is that I like paperclip more than attachment_fu having used both (and replaced the attachment_fu implementation with paperclip). Your mileage may vary...