associated join data save problem


I have created one migration..

class TagContentMasterJoin < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up      create_table 'content_masters_tags' do |t|       t.column 'tag_id', :integer       t.column 'content_master_id', :integer       t.timestamps     end   end

  def self.down         drop_table 'content_masters_tags'   end end for joining two tables and in content_master view new want to save associated tag in the above table for that i have written this code in content_master view new

    <% for tag in Tag.find(:all) %>   <div>     <%=check_box_tag "content_master[tag_id]",,     @content_master.tags.include?(tag) %>     <%= %>

  </div>   <% end %>

and in my create function of content master controller following code is present ..   def create     @content_master =     @content_master.tags=params[:content_master][:tag_id]       respond_to do |format|       if         #save images and some code here

but this all giving me this error ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in Content mastersController#create

Tag(#46439460) expected, got String(#21132310)

RAILS_ROOT: D:/TestingGeek/trunk/Site Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace

C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record/ associations/association_proxy.rb:262:in `raise_on_type_mismatch' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record/ associations/association_collection.rb:320:in `replace' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record/ associations/association_collection.rb:320:in `each' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record/ associations/association_collection.rb:320:in `replace' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record/ associations.rb:1325:in `tags=' D:/TestingGeek/trunk/Site/app/controllers/ content_masters_controller.rb:64:in `create'

and in my model code is has_and_belongs_to_many :content_masters has_and_belongs_to_many :tags

i have give as respective model..

please help this is urgent..



I assume that u r following models: class ContentMaster < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :tags end class Tags < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :content_masters end change ur view as: <% for tag in Tag.find(:all) %>

<%=check_box_tag “content_master[tag_ids]”,, @content_master.tags.include?(

tag) %>

            <%= []( %>


    <% end %>

Carefully look on the above code, I have changed tag_id to tag_ids.

Then you have to change the create method as follows: def create

@content_master =[:content_master])

respond_to do |format|


    #save images

The above code will perfectly work

Hiii K Arunmohan

thanks for reply..

i have change id to ids

but in controller create i can't do the exact same because me having following code in my controller

def create     @content_master =     @content_master.title = params[:title]     @content_master.abstract_text = params[:abstract_text]     #@content_master.image_path = imageObject.original_path     @content_master.content_text = params[:content_text]     @content_master.promote= params[:promote]     @content_master.promote_block= params[:promote_block]     @content_master.draft_state= params[:draft_state]     @content_master.parent_id=params[:content_master][:parent_id]     @content_master.tags=params[:content_master][:tag_ids]

   if(params[:order_no_article]=='')     @content_master.order_no_article = 0    else     @content_master.order_no_article = params[:order_no_article]    end    # @content_master.promote = params[:promote]

    #@metadata =[:metadata ])     respond_to do |format|       if

and it is still giving the same error..

please suggest the solution..



Please Help..

changing from id to ids will get assigned value implicitly.

Check the 32 and 33rd slide of the following URL:

It may useful to you.

Hiii K Arunmohan,

Now Add form is working by changing… @content_master.tags=params[:content_master][:tag_ids] @content_master.tag_ids=params[:content_master][:tag_ids]

tags to tag_ids

but in edit form there is one problem… when there is last entry which is selected and i want to unassign it , it dont do…

why it is not doing…

in update method m having this simple code def update

@content_master = ContentMaster.find(params[:id])

respond_to do |format|
  if @content_master.update_attributes(params[:content_master])

i tried this below this @content_master.tags.delete_all(params[:content_master]

[:tag_ids]).each{|i|@content_master.tags << Tag.find(i)}

but it is giving error of wrong number of argument…

please help…

