Any data table component for rails?

Hello all, is there any data table component for rails which can sort/search/pagination etc? I’ve checked out jquery plugin datatables, which can sort/search/pagination, but for large dataset of course need to go server side, need to pass params[:sort]/params[:search]/params[:pagination] to server side, which involves a lot of code, I’ve checked out and found a datatable project for jquery server side binding, but unfornately It has dependencies on both “will_paginate” and “kaminari”, which breaks my activeadmin(I remove will_paginate and modify its code a little to use kaminari, but seems still have problem,the iTotalCount becomes nil, and it doesn’t support subtable?(the main table have a lot of subtable records, and need to paginate association submodel). Since the jquery datatable still needs to go serverside to handle this logic, which renders these useless, if there’s a gem/component in server side directly would be OK, then would be equivalent with my use of datatablesnow, is there any data table gem/component for rails? Thanks!.