To each his or her own! (-;
you're the one who suggested I study the 'beast' style of testing 
Using all_fixtures (or whatever they use) does not cause problems with the rest of their testage. They could make a symetric change, and replace all the all_fixtures with the exact set of fixtures used in each suite, and the rest of the (exemplary) test cases would still run correctly.
In general, expensive setup is a design smell. That includes pulling every fixture in your app into a unit test suite. Why is that tested unit so coupled to everything else?
Beast probably does not have that problem because they are probably not coupled. Use of all_fixtures did not trick them into coupling all their code! But the reverse situation - carefully selecting which fixture goes in what suite - is one of the forces that can keep units decoupled.
Anyway...I have an issue that has me perplexed...
I put my login method in test_helper.rb (per suggestion of AWDWR)...
def login_with_reception(login='admin', password='ADMIN')
post :login, :user => { :login => login, :password => password }
user = User.find(session[:user_id])
assert_equal 'Low Level User',
(the above code works in test/functional/users_controller_test.rb)
That sucks. Just stuff the user you need into session[:user_id], without a round-trip thru post.
When I call the code in
test/functional/case_managers_controller_test.rb, via
login_with_reception(), it always tries to find the 'login' method in
case_managers_controller.rb which of course doesn't exist because
'login' method is in login_controller.rb
It also sucks because post can only hit the current controller. There's never a reason to thwart this; each functional test suite should only hit one controller.
I added 'require login_controller' at the top of
case_managers_controller_test.rb but it doesn't make a difference.
That's not how to bond classes. If you actually did that, you would need class CaseManagersController < LoginController. Don't do that, because it would dump every method of LoginController - including many pregenerated ones you can't see - into CaseManagersController. I doubt such an app would even launch correctly.
In general, _never_ tangle up your production code just to appease a test case.
Use Google Codesearch and find "def login_as". Then match that up with what you are doing. That method typically just stuffs the user you need into the sessions.
You will get the best benefit out of AWDWR when you start questioning everything it does! (-;