another test question

fairly simple actually.

CaseManager has_many :clients Client belongs_to :case_manager


  fixtures :case_managers

  def setup     @case_manager = CaseManager.find(7)   end

  # Replace this with your real tests.   def test_truth     assert_kind_of CaseManager, @case_manager   end

and when I run this test, I get this error...

  1) Error: test_truth(CaseManagerTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: update or delete on "case_managers" violates foreign key constraint "fk_cp_case_manager" on "clients" DETAIL: Key (id)=(3) is still referenced from table "clients". : DELETE FROM case_managers

Which sort of makes sense in that I can't delete a case_manager that has an active client but in case_managers.yml, = 7 is specifically created as to not having any clients in clients.yml

Shouldn't 'assert_kind_of CaseManager, @case_manager' just test only this one case_manager from case_managers.yml?


Craig White wrote:


Gotta name that case_manager_test.rb, so the tools don't go looking around for it.

You might want to start again, using script/generate model case_manager, so the generator creates everything you need, in the right places.

  fixtures :case_managers

Also pull in , :clients - specifically because you _don't_ need it.

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: update or delete on "case_managers" violates foreign key constraint "fk_cp_case_manager" on "clients" DETAIL: Key (id)=(3) is still referenced from table "clients". : DELETE FROM case_managers

The fixtures line starts by deleting everything in case_managers. But because one is bonded to a pre-existing clients, you can't delete it.

So tell fixtures to also delete the clients, by pulling in their fixtures.

If the code still won't work, look up fixtures_load_order, and force the fixtures to load things in the right order for destruction.

If that still doesn't work, take out a foreign_key constraint! They naturally can't form a closed cycle...

Craig White wrote:

> test/unit/case_manager.rb

Gotta name that case_manager_test.rb, so the tools don't go looking around for it.

If the code still won't work, look up fixtures_load_order, and force the

I did get it to work as you adding fixtures :clients and adding it after fixtures :case_managers instead of before. Obviously I don't want to delete the various foreign key constraints in PostgreSQL in the event the tables are manipulated by other client applications.

Did you set the fixtures_load_order like I said?

And if you want to make a database different from your production one, you can simply refrain from migrating when you deploy.

Before you start a test run, your _test_ database (_not_ the production one) should have nothing in it.

Thanks...I'm learning slowly. I've been going through my AWDWR on testing (which I know is somewhat flawed), the web pages and have studied the beast code as you suggested. I could tell that assert_kind_of was trying to delete each record but none of these

assert_kind_of does not delete things!

By the way...installing mocha plugin pretty much broke the tests that I have gotten to work so far so I removed it. It seems that mocha requires a little better understanding of tests than I've achieved so far.

It certainly does not; it should have just silently started working. Only when you require it and add .expects to a class will it actually do anything.

Please post your error message, because something else is going on.

And if you want to make a database different from your production one, you can simply refrain from migrating when you deploy.

Another fix here: All your migrations actually create views. These rename the real database tables and fields to things fitting ActiveRecord's official opinions. Then all your migrations never touch the real database tables.

You'd need to use some form of connection.execute, because I don't think any AR migration methods can create views.

>> If the code still won't work, look up fixtures_load_order, and force the

> I did get it to work as you adding fixtures :clients and > adding it after fixtures :case_managers instead of before. Obviously I > don't want to delete the various foreign key constraints in PostgreSQL > in the event the tables are manipulated by other client applications.

Did you set the fixtures_load_order like I said?

No - I've been unable to find anything useful on 'fixtures_load_order' from googling. I have sort of gotten the idea of order.

How are you Googling? I get this line...

ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[:fixtures_load_order] every single hit - it's exactly what we use at work.

my test database tables seem to retain the data being loaded by the fixtures files.

For each fixture you name in fixtures(), the table is first completely erased. Then the data are dumped in from the yml file.

> No - I've been unable to find anything useful on 'fixtures_load_order' > from googling. I have sort of gotten the idea of order.

How are you Googling? I get this line...

ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[:fixtures_load_order] every single hit - it's exactly what we use at work.

OK - got it. I noticed beast uses 'all fixtures' instead of naming each one.

Bleah - I hate that style.

However, my colleagues hate hitting mysterious goofy bugs in our test cases, which change their aspects depending on which kind of test batch we run. I always just notice we are missing a fixture and I add it.

To each his or her own! (-;

> OK - got it. I noticed beast uses 'all fixtures' instead of naming each > one.

Bleah - I hate that style.

However, my colleagues hate hitting mysterious goofy bugs in our test cases, which change their aspects depending on which kind of test batch we run. I always just notice we are missing a fixture and I add it.

To each his or her own! (-;

You can't. With a functional test you only interact with one controller. Just set the session to simulate a user being logged in.


> > I also tried changing it to... > post :controller => 'login', :action => 'login', :user => > { :login => login, :password => password } > > but it still passes the entire thing to the case_managers_controller > with one long string error... > Processing > CaseManagersController > #controllerloginuserloginadminpasswordADMINactionlogin (for
> at 2008-05-25 23:09:13) [POST] > Session ID: > Parameters: > {"action"=>"controllerloginuserloginadminpasswordADMINactionlogin", > "controller"=>"case_managers"} > > How do I get the authentication passed to the login controller?

You can't. With a functional test you only interact with one
controller. Just set the session to simulate a user being logged in.

I also tried changing it to... post :controller => 'login', :action => 'login', :user => { :login => login, :password => password }

but it still passes the entire thing to the case_managers_controller with one long string error... Processing CaseManagersController #controllerloginuserloginadminpasswordADMINactionlogin (for at 2008-05-25 23:09:13) [POST] Session ID: Parameters: {"action"=>"controllerloginuserloginadminpasswordADMINactionlogin", "controller"=>"case_managers"}

How do I get the authentication passed to the login controller?

You can't. With a functional test you only interact with one controller. Just set the session to simulate a user being logged in.

---- I'm googling around but not finding something that works here...this
is what I'm trying:

All i do is @request.session[:user_id] = 1 if you need to set other stuff in your session then do that. I usually stick that in the setup method, at the bottom (don't forget
to call super first). You might want to wrap that up into a
log_user_in method in test_helper.rb


> >> >> >>> >>> I also tried changing it to... >>> post :controller => 'login', :action => 'login', :user => >>> { :login => login, :password => password } >>> >>> but it still passes the entire thing to the case_managers_controller >>> with one long string error... >>> Processing >>> CaseManagersController >>> #controllerloginuserloginadminpasswordADMINactionlogin (for >>> at 2008-05-25 23:09:13) [POST] >>> Session ID: >>> Parameters: >>> {"action"=>"controllerloginuserloginadminpasswordADMINactionlogin", >>> "controller"=>"case_managers"} >>> >>> How do I get the authentication passed to the login controller? >> >> You can't. With a functional test you only interact with one >> controller. Just set the session to simulate a user being logged in. > ---- > I'm googling around but not finding something that works here...this
> is what I'm trying: > All i do is @request.session[:user_id] = 1 if you need to set other stuff in your session then do that. I usually stick that in the setup method, at the bottom (don't forget
to call super first). You might want to wrap that up into a
log_user_in method in test_helper.rb

That's a nonsensical method. In rails 2.0, your functional tests inherit from ActionController::TestCase which provides a setup method which creates the test request, instantiates the controller and so on. If you just define your setup method then you need to call super so that setup happens ( in 2.1 this is no longer necessary) So your setup method should look ike

def setup    super    #mess around with the session end


>>> >>> >> All i do is >> @request.session[:user_id] = 1 >> if you need to set other stuff in your session then do that. >> I usually stick that in the setup method, at the bottom (don't forget >> to call super first). You might want to wrap that up into a >> log_user_in method in test_helper.rb > ---- > I just got it by googling but pretty much the same as you wrote... > > @authuser = User.find 1 > @request.session[:user_id] = > @request.session[:user_name] = > > What Class do I want to super?

That's a nonsensical method. In rails 2.0, your functional tests
inherit from ActionController::TestCase which provides a setup method
which creates the test request, instantiates the controller and so on.
If you just define your setup method then you need to call super so
that setup happens ( in 2.1 this is no longer necessary) So your setup method should look ike

def setup    super    #mess around with the session end

---- First off...I'm still on 1.2.6 but always have an eye on Rails 2.x

secondly, I need to test RBAC for various users and my 'layouts' need session[:user_name] or they'll toss an error but my before_filter requires session[:user_id]

fair enough. Still seems a little redundant since you've got the user id.

thus I have gotten to work test/functional/case_managers_controller/test.rb...

...snipping the top def setup    @controller =    @request =    @response = end

def test_new    login_with_administrator    get :new    assert_response :success    assert_template 'new'    assert_not_nil assigns(:case_manager)

   login_with_privileged    get :new    assert_response :success    assert_template 'new'    assert_not_nil assigns(:case_manager)

   login_with_reception    get :new    assert_response 302    assert_response :redirect    assert_redirected_to :action => 'list' end

and login_with_... sets the session[:user_id] and session[:user_name] values

the third piece of this test_method fails in authorization filter which is why I want to test like this.

Am I missing something here?

the answer is probably hidden in your login_with_reception method. It's also a bit naughty having more than one request per test case.


To each his or her own! (-;

you're the one who suggested I study the 'beast' style of testing :wink:

Using all_fixtures (or whatever they use) does not cause problems with the rest of their testage. They could make a symetric change, and replace all the all_fixtures with the exact set of fixtures used in each suite, and the rest of the (exemplary) test cases would still run correctly.

In general, expensive setup is a design smell. That includes pulling every fixture in your app into a unit test suite. Why is that tested unit so coupled to everything else?

Beast probably does not have that problem because they are probably not coupled. Use of all_fixtures did not trick them into coupling all their code! But the reverse situation - carefully selecting which fixture goes in what suite - is one of the forces that can keep units decoupled.

Anyway...I have an issue that has me perplexed...

I put my login method in test_helper.rb (per suggestion of AWDWR)...

  def login_with_reception(login='admin', password='ADMIN')     post :login, :user => { :login => login, :password => password }     assert_not_nil(session[:user_id])     user = User.find(session[:user_id])     assert_equal 'Low Level User',   end

(the above code works in test/functional/users_controller_test.rb)

That sucks. Just stuff the user you need into session[:user_id], without a round-trip thru post.

When I call the code in test/functional/case_managers_controller_test.rb, via login_with_reception(), it always tries to find the 'login' method in case_managers_controller.rb which of course doesn't exist because 'login' method is in login_controller.rb

It also sucks because post can only hit the current controller. There's never a reason to thwart this; each functional test suite should only hit one controller.

I added 'require login_controller' at the top of case_managers_controller_test.rb but it doesn't make a difference.

That's not how to bond classes. If you actually did that, you would need class CaseManagersController < LoginController. Don't do that, because it would dump every method of LoginController - including many pregenerated ones you can't see - into CaseManagersController. I doubt such an app would even launch correctly.

In general, _never_ tangle up your production code just to appease a test case.

Use Google Codesearch and find "def login_as". Then match that up with what you are doing. That method typically just stuffs the user you need into the sessions.

You will get the best benefit out of AWDWR when you start questioning everything it does! (-;