You can do it, but you’ve got to be careful because you cant simply write
def <<_without_extra(*args)
Ruby sees the “<<” as the beginning of a heredoc. Something like this should work, making sure method names starting with “<<” are defined with strings:
class Array
define_method “<<_with_extra” do |*args|
# Do whatever you like here
alias_method_chain :<<, :extra
That should work as expected, but there may be a better way to stop duplicates being added to the association. If it is a has_many :through you could add uniqueness validation on the join model, or if it’s has_and_belongs_to_many you could use the :uniq option on the association.
It is a has_many :through, but I didn’t realise that the :uniq option would prevent duplicates from being added. That’s all I’m really after. I guess I should realize by now that these kinds of things are already easy!