Alias_method_chain on a boolean attribute not calling ...

I have the below code - I cannot use alias_method_chain unless I declare :accepted= before using it - i suppost the attribute methods are added latter - I suspect that this case is blowing away my alias_method_chain

How can i complete this intention correctly, doing it the rails-way and pretty?

Thanks Curtis.

class IncomingVideo < ActiveRecord::Base   validates_presence_of :content_url   validates_presence_of :title

  def uncurated?       !accepted?   end   def accepted=(val)     update_attribute(:accepted,val)   end

  def accepted_with_create_curated_video=(val)     if uncurated? and val == true       cv = CuratedVideo.create(:title => title,                           :description => description,                           :content_url => content_url,                           :site_url => site_url)!     end     accepted_without_create_curated_video=val   end   alias_method_chain :accepted=,:create_curated_video end

You'll likely want to do this in an after_save callback, as the method you've posted (if it worked) would end up drooling stray CuratedVideo records into the DB every time a model set that value (perhaps via mass-assignment) then didn't pass validation.

--Matt Jones

Thanks for your response - after i realized that it wasn't going to work - i did use a call back and the _changed? and _was parts of the dirty attribute and it was as clean as i prefer and passed spec (and as you said - avoided extra useless queries).