Ajax Render Problems on Update

After submitting a post via an Ajax form the update on the div is rendered completely wrong. A simple reload of the page fixes the render but that is in no way acceptable. Does anyone have any idea what would be causing this?

Here is the render call:

      render :partial => "conversations/post", :layout => false

I've tried it with the layout and without, it has absolutely no effect.

Here is "conversations/post":

  <div id="thread_content">     <table>         <% for post in @posts %>       <tbody class="post">               <tr>                   <td class="author">                       <%=h User.find(post.user_id).login %><br />           Posts: <%=h User.find(post.user_id).num_posts %>                   </td>

                  <td class="message">                       <% if post.title %>                           <b><%=h post.title %></b><br /><br/>                       <% end %>                   </td>               </tr>         <tr>           <td>

          </td>           <td style="text-align: left;">             <%=h post.body %>           </td>         </tr>         <% end %>       <tr>         <div id="new_post">           <%= link_to_remote 'New Post',                   :url => new_forum_post_url(:id => @conversation.id),                   :update => 'new_post' %>         </div>       </tr>       </tbody>     </table>   </div>

    <div id="forum_ads">         More Ad Sense would go here     </div>

    <br /> <!--     <div id="new_post">         <%= link_to_remote 'New Post',           :url => new_forum_post_url(:id => @conversation.id),           :update => 'new_post' %>     </div> -->     <br />     <br />

    <%= link_to 'Back', :controller => 'forums', :action => 'show', :id => session[:forum] %>