Ajax pagination with will_paginate and jQuery


I am trying to use the plugin will_paginate with jQuery, as it is explained in http://ozmm.org/posts/ajax_will_paginate_jq_style.html.

It´s very easy. It works well on firefox, but has an interesting problem with IE. First time it works, it makes an ajax query to find the records for the page, but the second time ite makes two ajax calls, the next time four, eight and so on.

The code use the livequery plugin for binding the click event to the paginator labels automatically on each page.

Query(document).ready(function($) { $(‘div.pagination a’).livequery(‘click’, function() {    $(’#main’).load(this.href) return false }) })

Nothing else. I think the problem is not with jQuery, but in the rendering of the template, especified in the controller, that it is not working well on IE.

does anybody know something about this? I'll appreciate if someone could try this, and tell me something.

Thank you very much.