Last post was over half year ago.

Is there better techniques, easier ways to do it now?

I looked ka-Map!, there are many examples with PHP, but none with ruby. First day with maps. Any suggestion, where should I look, examples, how to do etc?

Take a look at YM4R (Yellow Maps for Ruby):


This tutorial shows how to update a map with RJS:



Aaron wrote:

Take a look at YM4R (Yellow Maps for Ruby):


This tutorial shows how to update a map with RJS:



Hi Aaron, great tutorial/link :). Do you know how a user could link to an address as center instead of geodata (i.e. Center Park, New York)?

Do you know how a user could link to an address as center instead of geodata (i.e. Center Park, New York)?

Converting an address to latitude and longitude is called "geocoding". The google maps API supports geocode requests and I'm guessing that it's suported by the YM4R plugin.


Aaron wrote:

Do you know how a user could link to an address as center instead of geodata (i.e. Center Park, New York)?

Converting an address to latitude and longitude is called "geocoding". The google maps API supports geocode requests and I'm guessing that it's suported by the YM4R plugin.


Hi Aaron, thanks for this information (definition geocoding). So I will check the Api description for more information :).

I use GeoKit plugin for all my geocoding/mapping needs: http://geokit.rubyforge.org/ and the creator's blog (very helpful tutorials and tips) www.earthcode.com

Hi Tyler, I have also try GeoKit. It seems to very nice, but I didn't found a possiblity to request address data (I didn't found such a tutorial). But on the page you mention the have: http://earthcode.com/blog/2006/04/rails_geocoding_and_google_map.html#more Great! I hope it works! Thank you :slight_smile: Best, Knut