Hello everybody,
I read about the for helpers
1. submit_to_remote 2. form_remote_tag 3. link_to_remote 4. form_for
I'm confused about which one to use and when, please can anyone help me understand them thanks
Hello everybody,
I read about the for helpers
1. submit_to_remote 2. form_remote_tag 3. link_to_remote 4. form_for
I'm confused about which one to use and when, please can anyone help me understand them thanks
Hello everybody,
I read about the for helpers
1. submit_to_remote 2. form_remote_tag 3. link_to_remote 4. form_for
form_for isn't an ajax helper. It's just for building regular forms link_to_remote is your basic ajax helper. it creates a link which when clicked makes an ajax request form_remote_tag creates a form that will submit over ajax (see also form_remote_for, same as form_remote_ag bt with form_for semantics) submit_to_remote creaes a button that will submit its form via an ajax request
thanks a lot I would look into it
Also http://noobkit.com I find that it can be better documented than gotapi.com sometimes. Also includes “edge” stuff.