Hi Folks,
We've just uploaded the third beta revision of the Advanced Rails Recipes PDF:
To get your updated PDF, simply sign in to your account (http:// pragprog.com/my_account) and ask the system to regenerate it.
This revision adds 14 new recipes (81 total) from some of the top developers in the community:
* Process Recurring Credit Card Payments * Support An iPhone Interface * Send E-mail via Gmail * Segregate Page Cache Storage * Build a Sitemap * Full-Text Search with Sphinx * Customize Error Messages * Load Balance Around Your Mongrels' Health * Quick & Dirty Search * Use Fixtures For Canned Datasets * Cheap & Easy Caching (requires Edge Rails) * Drive a Feature with Integration Tests * Write Domain-Specific RSpec Matchers * Use DTrace for Profiling
The book will go into production (copyedit, layout, etc.) very soon, so if you notice any problems and things that could use a bit more clarification, I'd really appreciate it if you'd file errata using the link on the book's page. I'll work 'em all off for the final revision.
Thanks to all the contributors for their fantastic work!