Adding "id='xyz' " to a form_tag

I am using the form_tag_helper to create a form, but I want to give it an ID so I can style the elements within the form. I currently have the following:

        <% form_tag :controller => 'my_controller', :action => 'my_action' do %>           <input class="actionButton" type="submit" value="Submit" />         <% end %>

I tried this:

        <% form_tag :id => 'xyz', :controller => 'my_controller', :action => 'my_action' do %>           <input class="actionButton" type="submit" value="Submit" />         <% end %>

This compiles and runs ok with no errors, but it treats the ID= as a parameter for my URL - not what I want. Is there a way to use form_tag to generate HTML similar to this:

          <form id="xyz" action="/my_directory/my_action" method="post">


Steve J.

<% form_tag {:controller => “…”}, {:id => “xyz”} %> Try it?

Hi Steve!

     Try this <%= form_tag :action => 'my_action', :id =>'xyz' %> and I think this manual will be helpful to you. .

enjoy ! have a great day.

cheers, shankar.

    I am using the form_tag_helper to create a form, but I want to give it     an ID so I can style the elements within the form. I currently have     the following:

Style things with classes unless you must use IDs. I can't think of a reason.

Rails is so flexible that, before you know it, you will be cloning this form and en-partialling it into your page more than once, and IDs must be unique to their document...

I did try with class= instead of id=, but I get the exact same result

Look at the Api. You need to supply two hashed rather than one. The
second has HTML options. The first is the URL

Blog: Learn rails:

That won't work.

Blog: Learn rails:

Steve, Have you tried this url( . ) ?


That's not true. Ids are perfectly valid.

Blog: Learn rails:

Thanks everyone for all the help . . .

When I tried it like this, I got a compile error: <% form_tag ( {:controller => 'my_controller', :action => 'my_action' }, {:id => 'xyz'}) do %>

When I removed the second set of braces { }, like this, it works!!!

<% form_tag ( {:controller => 'my_controller', :action => 'my_action' }, :id => 'xyz') do %>

Thanks again, I appreciate all the suggestions!

I just added the extra braces back in so I could see the error again, but now it does not complain - I must have had something extra or something missing. So I guess it works both ways.