Adding a site admin user while creating a site

Hi Gurus,

I wanted to add siteadmin user(basically a user with a certain role) while creating the site itself. I hope that i have done all the necessary stuff by going through raynb’s railscasts ( But could not see user fields being displayed in the site creation form… Below are the details.

I Have two model users and sites. ( user model was created using devise then i customized it).

Below are my models:

User model

* <h3> Site Admin Details </h3> <% f.fields_for :users do |account_fields| %>

This should be <%= f.fields_for ...


Thanks Fred, Its working now. :slight_smile:


Also that should be :site singular.


HI Gurus,

I could achieve this, I wanted to updated a filed in user table without taking input from user as asked before.I wanted to set a role to user without taking input from user.So in registration_controller action of (devise) I have set resource.role=‘siteadmin’.But its not taking that it always takes the default value provided for the field.Before integrating with nested fileds this piece of code to assign role used ot work.but not anymore. Is there something extra that i am not doing ?

Thanks, –S

So This is what it is happennig, the role assign works well if i create user normally from its own view, But if I create the user form the site creation view. the role assignment statement (resource.role=“siteadmin”) doesnt work. This code exisits in the user controller.

Any inputs would be appreciated.

Thanks, Siva

So This is what it is happennig, the role assign works well if i create user normally from its own view, But if I create the user form the site creation view. the role assignment statement (resource.role="siteadmin") doesnt work. This code exisits in the user controller.

I think it most unlikely that the assignment statement (resource.role="siteadmin") does not work. I think that after this statement then resource.role will most definitely be "siteadmin", unless you mean that there is an error of some sort when the statement is run. Presumably what you mean is that later on you find that the role is no longer "siteadmin", presumably due to it not being saved or being overwritten later for example.

What you have to do is to follow the logic flow after that statement and work out what is going wrong. I suggest you have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging for some suggestions on how to do this. Look particularly at how to use ruby-debug to break into your code and inspect data and follow the flow.


jsut to make little more clear this resource.role=‘siteadmin’ in the registration_contoller. this registration_controller is devise the controller generated by devise ( I am using devise for authentication.)


I don't think that changes the fact that if the code is not behaving as you expect and you cannot see the problem by examining the code then you just have to jump in with the debugger and work out what is going wrong.



Ok, I got chance to rework on it today.As Colin suggested i debugged

the code with the ruby debugger. Below is the details explained.




Ok, I got chance to rework on it today.As Colin suggested i debugged the code with the ruby debugger. Below is the details explained.


site_controller.rb ------------------------------------ def new


def create[:params]) debugger ###### code i have added ####### @site.users (using debugger i did p @site.users it prints the usertable with values i have given in form but role = nil because i dont take role value in form) @test=@site.users @test.role='admin' (using debugger i did p @site.users it prints the

@test is an array of users, I don't understand how you can do @test.role='admin'. I would have expected it to produce an error.

usertable with values along with role as admin) But DB is not updated. ##############################


You don't appear to have saved anything to the database.



Thanks for your valuable inputs.

if I do @site.users.role (this throws me an error) but not @test.role does not

Can you let me know below

1) how go about adding a role ot user object . coz I have given resource.role='sitadmin' in the user controller (which is registartion_controller) 2) I am doing ( which I thought would save the data to database) If i needed to do explicitly can you pls let me know



Ok, I got chance to rework on it today.As Colin suggested i debugged the code with the ruby debugger. Below is the details explained.


site_controller.rb ------------------------------------ def new


def create[:params]) debugger ###### code i have added ####### @site.users (using debugger i did p @site.users it prints the usertable with values i have given in form but role = nil because i dont take role value in form) @test=@site.users @test.role='admin' (using debugger i did p @site.users it prints the

@test is an array of users, I don't understand how you can do @test.role='admin'. I would have expected it to produce an error.

usertable with values along with role as admin) But DB is not updated. ##############################


You don't appear to have saved anything to the database.



Thanks for your valuable inputs.

if I do @site.users.role (this throws me an error) but not @test.role does not

So you are saying that @site.users.role = 'admin' throws an error, but @test = @site.users @test.role = 'admin' does not. I find that difficult to understand. Can you check that again. The normal way to do it would be to use @site.users.each.

If you don't know how to use each then you need to work through some ruby tutorials. You can't expect to write rails apps without a good knowledge of ruby.

Can you let me know below

1) how go about adding a role ot user object . coz I have given resource.role='sitadmin' in the user controller (which is registartion_controller) 2) I am doing ( which I thought would save the data to database) If i needed to do explicitly can you pls let me know

The create method you posted above did not have save in it. Also after you change the roles you will have to save the user records as they have changed.


Sorry Now i got it.

you meant to say read each user object from the @site.users and operate on them.

thanks a lot :slight_smile: