acts_as_taggable_on_steroids and cached_tag_list

Just posting a solution (which started a problem I was going to post about)

I'm using acts_as_taggable_on_steroids with rails 2.0.1

When I would add tags (via a form) to my model they would go straight to that models cached_tag_list field as expected, but the tags and associations would never get saved to my tags and taggings tables. However, playing in console ... they would get saved fine!

I managed to figure out that i needed to add a

before_save 'self.save_tags'

to my 'acts_as_taggable' model .... after i did this associations were saving fine to both places ...

I am confused though ... as to why i would have to add this callback ... from what I can tell the plugin is supposed to do this already, confusing. Anyone know why the plugin doesn't do both?

from its source ... i see

        def save_tags           return unless @tag_list

          new_tag_names = @tag_list -           old_tags = tags.reject { |tag| @tag_list.include? ( }

          self.class.transaction do             if old_tags.any?               taggings.find(:all, :conditions => ["tag_id IN (?)",]).each(&:destroy)               taggings.reset             end

            new_tag_names.each do |new_tag_name|               tags << Tag.find_or_create_with_like_by_name(new_tag_name)             end           end

          true         end

i was able to deduce that its returning because of @tag_list ... and not executing a normal save ... I asssume somewhere else that means @tag_list is being cleared, perhaps after the cached version is saved.