I've developed an application last year with rails 1.2.3 and it worked
fine on the web server till recently. Not sure what started the
problem but I am having trouble with acts_as_taggable gem (which I
know has been depreciated).
It was suggested to look into has_many_polymorphs but I ran into
problems with updating my database. The database has 3 tables
(:products, :tags, :products_tags) and uses foreign keys.
The application is based on "Beginning RoR e_commerce". Tags table has
2 columns: id and name.
So, I gave that up on that one and tried to find an easier solution.
Other things I looked at:
* I installed acts_as_taggable as plugin instead of a gem -- but I'm
just not sure what to change in the application in order to get it to
* I installed acts_as_taggable_on_steroids -- but again, I think I ran
into the same problem with the foreign keys. This is the error message
I get when I try "rake db:migrate"
So, I gave that up on that one and tried to find an easier solution.
Other things I looked at:
* I installed acts_as_taggable as plugin instead of a gem -- but I'm
just not sure what to change in the application in order to get it to
* I installed acts_as_taggable_on_steroids -- but again, I think I ran
into the same problem with the foreign keys. This is the error message
I get when I try "rake db:migrate"
I assume acts_as_taggable_on_steroids is trying to create a tags table
that you already have. I'd just blow away that migration (after
checking that the table it was trying to create matches the one you
already have.
Thanks Fred. I did just that. I also dropped my products_tags table
because as I understand the 'taggings' table created by the plugin
acts as the connector. Now, I don't care about losing that data in
this case, I can always enter it manually (and I am happy not to be
using a depreciated gem).... but I feel hopeless as I am not sure how
to make it work from now on.
What I've done so far is:
1. Installed plugin
2. Added db table: taggings. Already had tags with id and name column.
3. Added acts_as_taggable to my Product class
When I login as admin to try and tag the products manually, I get this
error message (when I have both acts_as_taggable and
acts_as_taggable_on_steroids plugins installed):
NoMethodError in ProductController#update
undefined method `tag_collection_name' for Product:Class
If you look at acts_as_taggable_with_steroids, it adds that method to
your models (when you call acts_as_taggable).
I think you're getting confused because you think
acts_as_taggable_with_steroids is a drop in replacement for
acts_as_taggable which it would appear it isn't.
The examples in its documentation look pretty straightforward, I
suggest you forget what you know about acts_as_taggable and look at
those instead.
Now, I don't understand what is the difference between @tag_list and
I've also looked at http://taggable.rubyforge.org/ and tried to use:
p.tag --> error: NoMethodError: undefined method `tag_model' for
p.tag_with --> error: NoMethodError: undefined method `tag_with' for
p.tag.add --> ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
from (irb):7:in `tag'
from (irb):7
One more question. When I am still in console, I added a tag to
p.tag_list, then when I want to save the product (p.save) I get the
following error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `find_or_create_with_like_by_name' for
from ./script/../config/../config/../vendor/rails/activerecord/
lib/active_record/base.rb:1235:in `method_missing'
from ./script/../config/../config/../vendor/plugins/
from ./script/../config/../config/../vendor/plugins/
acts_as_taggable_on_steroids/lib/acts_as_taggable.rb:181:in `each'
from ./script/../config/../config/../vendor/plugins/
Now, I don't understand what is the difference between @tag_list and
internal implemenation details
I've also looked at http://taggable.rubyforge.org/ and tried to use:
p.tag --> error: NoMethodError: undefined method `tag_model' for
p.tag_with --> error: NoMethodError: undefined method `tag_with' for
p.tag.add --> ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
from (irb):7:in `tag'
from (irb):7
I think you will definitely confuse things by chopping and changing
between multiple tagging libraries all with slightly different
semantics (and which could easily conflict when used simultaneously)
When I go to view product, I can see my assigned tag. But I still have
Q1. I've been having problems trying to update a product. My
product_controller.rb#update has:
@product.tag(params[:tags], :separator => ',', :clear => true)
When I try to update a product I get this error:
NoMethodError in ProductController#update
undefined method `tag' for #<Product:0x23e6dd4>
Q2. To display the tags and links to show tags I use a helper method
in application_helper.rb:
def display_tags(product)
product.tags.collect{|tag| link_to tag.name, :controller => '/
tag', :action => 'show', :id => tag.name }.join(", ") if product.tags
My tag_controller.rb#show is:
def show
@tag = Tag.find(params[:id])
@page_title = "Products tagged with '#{tag}'"
@products = Product.find_tagged_with(:any => tag, :separator =>
But when I try to view all other products with the same tag I get an
NameError in TagController#show
undefined local variable or method `tag' for #<TagController:
Should I even have a tag controller?
The plugin docs use Product.find_tagged_with('tag'). How could I use
When I go to view product, I can see my assigned tag. But I still have
Q1. I've been having problems trying to update a product. My
product_controller.rb#update has:
@product.tag(params[:tags], :separator => ',', :clear => true)
When I try to update a product I get this error:
NoMethodError in ProductController#update
undefined method `tag' for #<Product:0x23e6dd4>
according to the plugin docs you should be using tag_list (ie
tag_list=, tag_list.add etc...
Q2. To display the tags and links to show tags I use a helper method
in application_helper.rb:
def display_tags(product)
product.tags.collect{|tag| link_to tag.name, :controller => '/
tag', :action => 'show', :id => tag.name }.join(", ") if product.tags
My tag_controller.rb#show is:
def show
@tag = Tag.find(params[:id])
@page_title = "Products tagged with '#{tag}'"
@products = Product.find_tagged_with(:any => tag, :separator =>
But when I try to view all other products with the same tag I get an
You've just got a syntax error there - it should be @tag not tag
NameError in TagController#show
undefined local variable or method `tag' for #<TagController:
Should I even have a tag controller?
The plugin docs use Product.find_tagged_with('tag'). How could I use
Product.find_tagged_with @tag
should work (assuming @tag contains a tag)
I'd encourage you to look closely at the docs, all i've done here is
repeat them to you
Sorry to be a bother and thank you so much for your help Fred. Almost
all is fixed. Got one last problem/question.
On every product page, there is a section for recommended products --
which really are products tagged with similar tags.
In my catalog_controller.rb#show I have:
@tag = Tag.find(params[:id])
@tagged_related = Product.find_tagged_with (@tag, :match_all =>
But instead of picking on the tag's id, it gets the product's id. This
causes two problems:
1. It doesn't really show related products
2. If the id it gets doesn't exists in the tags table, i get an error.
I'm just not sure how to pick up the tag id instead.