I want to add the support of Dropbox to the ActiveStorage.
I really hope that it will help lots of people those really need to consume dropbox as the storage option for their projects similar to other Cloud Storage Services.
Well, I have implemented this ability to support Dropbox with in the ActiveStorage in one of my Private Project but I want to make it publicly available so I am thinking to add this support directly to the ActiveStorage module of Rails Project.
Team, Is it feasible to add the support of Dropbox to ActiveStorage ? I am happy to raise the PR soon if It’s good to go.
I think Active Storage has the amount of built in services we want. Akin to Active Job queues and Active Record databases, we don’t want every option directly but gems are cool!
So if you made an activestorage-dropbox gem on your account that would be sweet!
I have completed the work of the *Dropbox Support for Active Storage*. And
now, I released the *gem activestorage_dropbox* and it provides the
capability to support Dropbox as a storage for Active Storage.
*Dropbox Support for Active Storage - Official Gem *[
Activestorage::Service::DropboxService ]
( Wraps the Dropbox Storage Service as an Active Storage service. )
Kasper, I am saying it (activestorage_dropbox | RubyGems.org | your community gem host)
[Official] because someone else squatted the name `activestorage-dropbox`
at the same day when you suggested me to start working on it. So, I
just used *activestorage_dropbox *name and calling it *official* so people
will find the original one and will not get confused with the other one
activestorage-dropbox ( I saw it and It's just a blank copy of gem. It's
just for squatting the name activestorage-dropbox. ) I felt bit unhappy
after seeing it