ActiveScaffold - undefined method `link' for #<ActiveScaffold

Has anyone encountered this error message with the ActiveScaffold plugin?

I'm working on Windows XP (yes) with Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.3.2. I just created a new, fresh Rails application with a single model ("users"), installed the ActiveScaffold plugin, and followed the other two steps in the ActiveScaffold Getting Started tutorial.

When I run the app, and browse to the resource (e.g. http://localhost:3000/users) I immediately see the following:

     NoMethodError in UsersController#index

     undefined method `link' for #<ActiveScaffold::Config::List: 0x4774e90>

Look familiar? What am I missing? I haven't done anything to the application except what was required by the tutorial.

Am I the *only* developer trying this plugin under Windows?

Many thanks for any pointers. Tim

Just found more information on this problem at


It seems the problem is quite new, perhaps from an incomplete commit done earlier today. Problem has been logged at
