Hi all. I'm hoping maybe someone can help me out.
I recently switched from using xml to json in my ARe models. I was excited to see that in irb I was seeing dramatic improvements in speed. However, when I fired up the app in my browser I got an error on a local db find based upon an id i had intended to receive through an ARe record. I opened irb again to investigate:
object = AResource.find(461).id
the ARe record is found, however the id attribute returns as nil, where as, when I was using xml, I had no problems with it.
(the reaons i'm doing the find(id).id is to demonstrate that the record returned does not have the id which i used to search for the record. All other attributes are present, however, the object is also showing new_record=true, which i'm supposing is the reason it has a nil id)
Any thoughts on what I can do maintain that id? The only thing I can come up with is that i have a local model name that is the same as the object class that is returned from the remote application, though, like I said, there was no problem when using xml.
The following is from irb (object1 is the xml request and object2 is the json request--both point to the same resource)
Code :
object1 = MMTest.find(1)
=> #<MMTest:0x4058328 @prefix_options={}, @attributes={"name"=>"Visa", "updated_at"=>nil, "id"=>1, "status"=>1}>
object2 = MMCreditcardType.find(1)
=> #<MMCreditcardType:0x404c4c4 @prefix_options={}, @attributes= {"creditcard_type"=>#<CreditcardType id: nil, name: "Visa", status: true, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>}>
Thanks in advance,