ActiveResource does not detect errors for my very simple model

The documentation says to return a code 422 with a packet in the following format:

<errors type="array"><error>First cannot be empty</error></errors>

So that is what I am doing. But my model will not raise an exception on a create call that returns such a response, and a record created that way returns true for its valid? call.

I simply do:


Which triggers validation errors in the other application, which responds with 422 and the following packet, because a "name" field is required:

<errors type="array">   <error>Name cannot be empty</error> </errors>

Why would ActiveResource interpret such a response as valid? Is there something more I need to do in my model for validations to take effect? My models themselves are dead simple:

class ApplicationResource < ActiveResource::Base = 'http://localhost/frontend/www/api’ end

class Menu < ApplicationResource end


I referred to and tried this with Rails 2.2.2, but got the same result. I am guessing the issue I am experiencing is not version-specific.
