ActiveRecord-JDBC Oracle


I’m trying to migrate the AR script on to Oracle database. Im using jdbc adapter.

There are number of functions defined in jdbc_oracle.rb, but when I call them (eg: rename_column(…)) in my AR script, it says “rake aborted !! rename_column is not implemented” . It is not referring to the jdbc_oracle.rb file. Is there any configuration setting to be done?

I have written many custom functions in jdbc_postgre.rb and jdbc_mssql.rb, it works absolutely fine.

Please find the sample code attached.

1. 001_rename_columns.rb (file to migrate)

class CreateOrclTables < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up      rename_column(:companyprofile, :tname, :tname_new)   end   def self.down   end end

2. database.yml

development_orcl1:   adapter: jdbc   username: scott   password: tiger   driver: com.inet.ora.OraDriver   url: jdbc:inetora:vxind01:1521:BAPCDEV1

3. jdbc_oracle.rb (adapter: jdbc)

The file is under ( D:\jruby-1.0.0RC1\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\ActiveRecord-JDBC-0.3.1\lib\jdbc_adapter )

Please refer the jdbc_oracle.rb file attached.

Appreciate your response !!

Thanks, John


Do you have the requisite configuration in environment.rb to ensure that the jdbc adapter is loaded?

See for details.

Also, 0.3.1 is pretty old (as is JRuby 1.0.0RC1). If you want to help develop the jdbc oracle support further it would be great if you could update to JRuby 1.1.1 and ar-jdbc 0.8.

Finally, can we take this discussion over to the jruby-user list?

Cheers, /Nick

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your response.

I have the requisite configuration done in environment.rb. Below are the detials.

require 'rubygems' gem 'ActiveRecord-JDBC' require 'jdbc_adapter'

Interesting part is, a simple create_table script works fine even when I deleted the contents of jdbc_oracle.rb file and made it blank. But when I deleted the file jdbc_oracle.rb from the folder, it throws an error "could not find file jdbc_oracle.rb".

I had a look at

There are number of email-ids, to which ID should I post the message or which is the relevant forum?

Awaiting your response.

Thanks, John

Nick Sieger wrote:

The jruby-user list should be fine for this.


Thanks very much Nick !!

I will post it there ..

regards John.

Nick Sieger wrote: