activerecord failed?

Hello all,     i found something wrong (or maybe i was wrong?)     this looks like a rectiverecord bug , can anyone help me to point out what's going on?

------------------migration     create_table :books do |t|       t.column :name,:string       t.column :person_id,:integer     end

    create_table :people do |t|       t.column :name ,:string     end ------------------model class Book < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :person end

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :books end

------------------in console , try the following:

book=Book.create(:name=>'book1') kevin=Person.create(:name=>'kevin') kevin.books # should be empty


kevin.books # why still nothing ???

Person.find( # have books!

because you already loaded the association when you did kevin.books the first time.

book = Book.create(...) kevin - Person.create(...) kevin.books # empty, now association is loaded, it won't be reloaded unless you force it

book.person = kevin

kevin.books(true) # passing true forces reload, should show associated books