Actions when testing resources with namespaces.


I have an admin tool in the namespace admin in this way:

map.namespace :admin do |admin|     admin.resources :products end

and I've also have a

map.resources :products

except that the last one is nice (or tries to be) and the first one allows to edit, update, create and destroy.

For testing admin/products_controller I have the following code:

class Admin::ProductsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase   def test_should_create_product     assert_difference('Product.count') do       post :create, :product => {}     end     assert_redirected_to admin_product_path(assigns(:product))   end end

When I run the test I get

  1) Error: test_should_create_product(Admin::ProductsControllerTest): NoMethodError: undefined method `product_url' for #<Admin::ProductsController:0xb7077684>

Well, of course, product_url doesn't and should not exists. But post should be trying to run admin_product_url. How can I make that work?

Thank you.