ActionController::UrlWriter bug -- need help URGENTLY, thanks!

So i've been banging my head against this for the better part of the last 5 hours and I have concluded that in my sleep deprived state I'm missing something really obvious and should just ask for help.

I need to be able to access named route helpers (XXX_path and XXX_URL) form a class method in an ActiveRecord model. I tried a couple of approaches none of which worked:

1) include ActionController::UrlWriter in the model class -- this doesn't work because the included methods are instance methods and thus are not available in the class methods

2) According to the rails api you can access the helpers by using ActionController::UrlWriter.xxx_path ( classes/ActionController/UrlWriter.html). However that just doesn't work for me, I get the following error

NoMethodError: undefined method `xxx_path' for ActionController::UrlWriter:Module

If anyone has ANY ideas PLEASE let me know.

The helpers are defined in an anonymous module hidden inside the routing stuff. You can ask rails to include that module in a class for you, eg

class Foo include ActionController::UrlWriter def generate   parent_categories_url :host => '' end end ActionController::Routing::Routes.named_routes.install(Foo) #=> ""


This only works for instance methods, my problem is that I need to be able to access xxxx_path from a class method... meaning:

class Foo include ActionController::UrlWriter def self.generate   login_path :host => '' end end ActionController::Routing::Routes.named_routes.install(Foo)

Foo.generate #=> NameError: undefined local variable or method `login_path' for Foo:Class   from (irb):4:in `generate'   from (irb):9

This only works for instance methods, my problem is that I need to be able to access xxxx_path from a class method... meaning:

Well there's nothing stopping you bundling up your url generation stuff into its own class and then do (I'd even reccomend it seing as install the routes will pollute your model's name space with loads of methods. A small experiment shows that ActionController::Routing::Routes.named_routes.install isn't actually needed - UrlWriter's included method seems to call that for you


Yea i guess it just seems silly to create a separate class who's only purpose is to include ActionController::UrlWriter, especially since the rails documentation says that you can simply call ActionController::UrlWriter.xxx_path.

As in many cases, if it's difficult to do in Rails, it's probably wrong. Can you give more detail on why you're generating URLs in a model rather than in the controller/view that's sending them to the user?

--Matt Jones

I am generating a URL for use with GoogleCheckout. I have a method in a model that uses the visitors shopping cart to construct an xml request to GoogleCheckout, in that request i need to include a callback url that GoogleCheckout can use to contact my webapp. wrote:

I am generating a URL for use with GoogleCheckout. I have a method in a model that uses the visitors shopping cart to construct an xml request to GoogleCheckout, in that request i need to include a callback url that GoogleCheckout can use to contact my webapp.

I am in the same situation, needing to access the named routes from within a class method and am having no luck coming up with a logic solution. It seems that every post out there asking the same thing gets met with "if it's so difficult, you probably shouldn't be doing it." I usually agree with this, but generating a callback for any 3rd party api calls that get made at a class level seems like a pretty acceptable requirement.

Did you ever come to a solution that worked for you admin@fotocera?