ActionController::Base's session attribute

Hi there,

I’m working on a subclass of ActionController::Base which is implemented as a plugin. I need to store data in the superclass ‘session’ attribute, just as I would normally do in a regular controller.

For some unexplicable and unknown reason, the session object is not a Hash but an Array. That doesn’t make any sense… I don’t understand how the session object got converted as an Array…

I can’t find why, I’ve tried for a while and got out of options.

The plugin can be downloaded from :


`To tet it, just create a basic application and a test controller withe the following code :

class TestController < ActionFlow::Base

    start_step :init
    end_step :close
    view_step :init do
        #nothing for now...


Hi again !

I just realised that the problem is that sub-classes of ActionController::Base cannot directly use the session attribute of the super class. How can a subclass of ActionController::Base access the superclass CGI::Session object ?


Hi there,

I’m working on a subclass of ActionController::Base which is implemented as a plugin. I need to store data in the superclass ‘session’ attribute, just as I would normally do in a regular controller.

For some unexplicable and unknown reason, the session object is not a Hash but an Array. That doesn’t make any sense… I don’t understand how the session object got converted as an Array…

I can’t find why, I’ve tried for a while and got out of options.

The plugin can be downloaded from :


`To tet it, just create a basic application and a test controller withe the following code :

class TestController < ActionFlow::Base

    start_step :init
    end_step :close
    view_step :init do
        #nothing for now...
