About the A May Of WTFs category

We all lose time to “Rails WTFs.” Something goes weird in our Rails process, and we spend four hours frantically reading Stack Overflow before it finally occurs to us to restart Spring. Or we make one silly typo and it causes the autoloader to lose track of an entirely different class.

It can be hard to write bug reports for a WTF. When it’s difficult to understand what triggered it an issue, or what fixed it, nailing down a good reproduction seems impossible. And who wants to go to that effort when they’ve just spent hours staring at byebug and cursing computers?

This May, the Rails team is going to be tackling some of these WTFs – which means we need you to tell us about them! Send us your strangest Rails 6 stories, even if you don’t really understand what triggered them or remember how you fixed it. Provide as much detail as you can – but don’t worry over what you can’t. We’ll be looking through all of this for patterns that will let us improve Rails (or at least its error messages) for everyone.


A post was split to a new topic: Feedback regarding Spring