404 only when link_to_remote but not when using link_to

I started using Ruby on Rails today and love it. The one thing I haven't been able to answer by myself is why the first link below works and the second doesn't: <%= link_to "Test Regular", { :action => "show", :id => "1" } %> <%= link_to_remote "Test Ajax", :update => "listing", :url => { :action => "show", :id => "1"} %>

I am trying to load the html at http://localhost:3000/listings/1 into a div on my page with the id listing. That URL works when accessed directly or via link_to. However, when I click on the "Test Ajax" link then the following text loads in my listing div: "Unknown action: No action responded to 1". What really puzzles me is that I even see in FireBug that the when I click on the "Test Ajax" link that a request is issued to the correct URL: http://localhost:3000/listings/1

The source generated by Rails is: <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater('listing', '/listings/1', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:'authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent('fda1badbcc7be1ff0d55829e684ecbe00579a97b')}); return false;">Test Ajax</a> <a href="/listings/1">Test Regular</a>

Hey there,

I'm assuming you're using the basic scaffold code, which uses RESTful routing, or are making an app with RESTful routes.

Without arguments, the AJAX call you are firing is sending a POST request to the server to the URL /listings/1. As there is no RESTful action/id which will respond to a POST of listings/1, your URL is falling through the map.resources RESTful routing, and is ending up caught by the default non-REST routes at the bottom of routes.rb which is correctly(?) interpreting your /listings/1 as :controller => 'listings', :action > '1'.

The secret to getting this to work is to include :method => :get in your list of arguments to link_to_remote. That will send the AJAX request as a GET, and allow the URL to be caught by the RESTful map.resources method.

Incidentally, this stands for periodically_call_remote as it uses the same syntax.

Hope this helps,

Simon Tokumine

Ah, right because a POST will be meant for creates. That makes sense now. I hadn't considered the link_to_remote request would be a POST nor that a POST would cause problems. Thanks so much for helping us noobs out Simon.

-Ben benmccann.com

No worries Ben - This one bit me too :slight_smile:

FYI, you can check out what sets of HTTP verbs and URL input will trigger what controller/action by running 'rake routes' in your rails app directory. If you get more routing 'huh?!' moments (and a supposedly RESTful route falling through to the default non-REST routes is a good example), then compare the output from rake routes to what your development.log is telling you your browser is submitting. You'll usually find the culprit there.

All the best,
