youtube pagination

Hi      I m able to get the videos from youtube using youtube-g ,now doing an pagination

for youtube videos for 4 pages

my controller code is

class VideosController < ApplicationController   def index     client =     @videos=client.videos_by(:query => "penguin", :page => 4, :per_page => 2) end


view is

<h1>Videos</h1> <% @videos.videos.each do |v| %> <%= v.title %> <p><%= v.html_content %></p> <%= v.embed_html %> <% end %>

this is my code for getting videos from youtube,now facing problem in

pagination because in the query i mentioned 2 pages but i m getting

only one page and i have not added pagination code for it.can u help

me to code to include page option for four pages....

regards raghu