wysihtml5 for rails

Does anybody have experience with wysihtml5 for rails? I have installed the WYSIWYG editor and it is working fine, but I'm not sure how to manipulate any of its characteristics. I want to hide the buttons on some occasions and more importantly need to set it to a read only mode on a particular page so users can click on URL's in the WYSIWYG text area.

My current setup... gem 'wysihtml5-rails' in gemfile

In "show' page...

<%= text_area_tag id="ck_a", @formatted_question[:anno_a], :class=>'wysihtml5' %>

               <script type="text/javascript">       $('.wysihtml5').each(function(i, elem) {         $(elem).wysihtml5();       });     </script>

Also, not sure why but only works when <script type="text/javascript">...</script> is below the text_area_tag in the body of the page.

I'm half way through Heads UP Javascript book to give you an idea of my level of programming ability, so thanks for the help!