Wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

Hi everyone,

I am running through the RailsSpace tutorial. I'm trying to figure out the advanced login section, which in short creates a cookie and an authorization token in the users table in the database.

My trouble is, I'm getting error: Wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

the code that has been updated is as follows:

In ApplicationController:

before_filter :check_authorization

When I comment this line out, the application is displayed without error. Unfortunately i don't know enough about rails to understand how to fix this. However without it, I can't add the remember me functionality in the site....

Any ideas???

Many Thanks for reading.

What does the signature of this check_authorization method look like? Seems it's expecting an argument you're not sending.

Hi everyone,

I am running through the RailsSpace tutorial. I'm trying to figure out the advanced login section, which in short creates a cookie and an authorization token in the users table in the database.

My trouble is, I'm getting error: Wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

the code that has been updated is as follows:

In ApplicationController:

before_filter :check_authorization

What does you check_authorization method look like ? What's the backtrace when you get that error ?
