Wizard form with different models

Hi, I already started this question in another email, but the subject was wrong and I’d like to specify better what I want.

I want a wizard form like http://railscasts.com/episodes/217-multistep-forms?view=similar , but with a progress bar

and each step will be a different model, something like http://railscasts.com/episodes/196-nested-model-form-part-1?view=similar ,

but my models have a belongs_to and has_one relationship

(basically, to start, I have a Company model which has_one CompanyContact model, and the CompanyContact belongs_to my Company model).

The episode 196 uses a has_many relationship. I tried to follow it, and it works with the has_many, but when I change to has_one it doesn’t.

Also the episode 217 only shows a multistep form with one model and no progress bar.

If anyone can help me please do.

Thank you,


Hi, I already started this question in another email, but the subject was wrong and I'd like to specify better what I want. I want a wizard form like #217 Multistep Forms - RailsCasts , but with a progress bar and each step will be a different model, something like #196 Nested Model Form Part 1 - RailsCasts , but my models have a belongs_to and has_one relationship (basically, to start, I have a Company model which has_one CompanyContact model, and the CompanyContact belongs_to my Company model). The episode 196 uses a has_many relationship. I tried to follow it, and it works with the has_many, but when I change to has_one it doesn't. Also the episode 217 only shows a multistep form with one model and no progress bar.

First I suggest that you work through those two railscasts and make sure that you understand *every single line* of code. I think then with a bit of thought you should see how to extend them to fulfil your requirement. For the progress bar is that just a bar that extends a bit further with each step through? If so then you could just use an image on each page, though there are no doubt fancier methods.

I replied to the has_one problem on the previous thread.


You may also want to check out ruby toolbox, it’s a good index for different ruby libraries. - http://ruby-toolbox.com/categories/rails_wizards.html

Chirag http://sumeruonrails.com