I thought about posting this in the Ruby mailing list, but my basis for comparison rests in Rails.
I currently have code that looks something like this:
<td><%= link_to("Name", { :sort => params[:sort], :dir => params[:dir] }) %></td> <td><%= link_to("Address", { :sort => params[:sort], :dir => params[:dir] }) %></td> ...
I came to the realization that adding a block to wrap those link_tos and extract out the common elements might be worthwhile. It would perform something like form_for or with_scope, it seems, and it would look pretty darned good, too!
Unfortunately, both of those implementations rely on creating new objects to yield the block to (and furthermore, my block/proc knowledge isn't there yet), and it seemed like it might be too much work for not enough reward.
Is there an easier way I'm not seeing? I can just do a for loop with a list of values unique to each sortable field (e.g., link text, tag title, etc.), but even that seems cludgy.
Thanks, Adam