windows XP, ruby 1.9.1, rails 3, sass problem


I am working on windows XP, ruby 1.9.1, rails 3, sass gem. Create a sass folder in

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\rails_app

Now I start server, I get following error

Errno::EACCES (Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/rails_app/public/stylesheets/ style.css):

Thanks, Aashish

Can you create your application in a directory without spaces? (Documents and Settings have spaces in it)

Also, depending on how you created the application it will be able to run for non-admin users.

Access denied is most likely due the elevated privileges issues (created with admin rights and attempt to use it without these permissions)

Windows is not so good to ruby, you will have ever many problems

Luis Lavena wrote in post #1000084:

Sometimes permission denied might occur when the file is been used by other program. does public/stylesheets/style.css exist and is not open on any editor/IDE?