Why isn't bundle run with "--local" on rails new generator?

Creating a new Rails app nowadays in my computer with Bundler-pre takes about 6s only for running "bundle install" in the end of the new generator...

We create a new app instantaneously in Rails 1 and 2.

Shouldn't Bundler try to see if the local dependencies do suffice before trying to ping rubygems.org?

For most cases you'll already have all dependencies locally.

Just try:

rails new empty --skip-bundle cd empty bundle install --local

And you'll see how much faster it is.

But it won't work if you run "rails new empty -d postgres" and don't have postgres already installed.

So, shouldn't Bundler try to resolve locally first by default and then use the normal method with the requests to rubygems.org?

The reason this happens is that when you run bundle install without a Gemfile.lock (the case in a new Rails app), bundler checks with rubygems.org to see if there are any new versions available. For instance, it is possible that you have an old version of coffee-script on your system. Calling bundle install without a Gemfile.lock means “make sure to get the latest versions of my gems that are available.” When you use --local, it means “I assert that the gems are all available locally, and I want you to use them even if there may be newer ones available.”

Using --local will not work for a new app on a new system, because there are items in the default Gemfile that are not actual dependencies of Rails. If --local reliably worked, you would not need to run bundle install at all. This is because if Bundler sees that there is no Gemfile.lock when you require “bundler/setup”, it tries to satisfy the dependencies from your local gems. Unfortunately, it will not always work.

Yehuda Katz (ph) 718.877.1325

Hi Yehuda, thanks for your response.

I understand what you've said, but what I'm suggesting is that

Bundler could try to resolve all dependencies with local gems first before checking rubygems.org.

For instance, if there's currently a coffee-script version that

would fit the requirements in Gemfile for the application being created, Bundler could use it instead of downloading the latest version.

Maybe a new option could be included in Bundler like

–try-local-first and made available to the Rails new generator so that we could append it to ~/.railsrc, for instance.

Another take would be adding some option to the rails new generator

like “–provided-gemfile-lock” where a Gemfile.lock would be generated while packaging a Rails release and copied to the created app.

I'm not sure which would be the better option, but I would really

like you to consider some way of making creating a new Rails application as fast as it used to be before Rails 3.



You could accomplish something pretty similar by creating a Rails template which skips bundle install, downloads a Gemfile.lock you provide, and then run bundle install by itself.

I can’t find the official documentation for Rails application templates, but I guess they won’t allow you to pass any arguments to the new generator.

Maybe I would have to specify "--skip-bundle -m

path/to/my/template.rb" in my ~/.railsrc and use the template for running “bundle install --local”…