Is the a convenient programatic way for a partial to know what view (controller?) is causing it to be rendered?
For debugging purposes I want the partial to render the name of the view causing the partial to be rendered…
Is the a convenient programatic way for a partial to know what view (controller?) is causing it to be rendered?
For debugging purposes I want the partial to render the name of the view causing the partial to be rendered…
I think rack-mini-profiler <> should fit the bill. It shows the queries you executed and layouts you rendered.
I've done stuff stuff like this to pass in, to say, a mailer view to know how it is being called. Some variation of that might work for you:
@mailer_name = caller_locations(1,1)[0].label
Hope that helps.
This is close to what I want, I think.
Where does the "@mailer_name = caller_locations(1,1)[0].label " go? In a controller? In a view?
What I really want is to not have to modify the source modules that are invoking the rendering but, instead, have the _header.html.erb source module dynamically say “I got invoked by root.html.erb”.
Things get a bit more dicey, I think, if the sequence is root.html.erb appllication.html.erb (authomagically invoked) root.html.erb