White pages after testing my app in production env locally

Hey guys,

I wanted to test my rails app (Rails version 4.2.3) in the production environment. So I prepared for this like followed:

i) I precompiled all of my assets, using rake assets:precompile

ii) In the production.rb I changed the line from     config.serve_static_files = false to     config.serve_static_files = true

After the preperation I started my Webrick server in production envirnonment.

I executed my Rails app in the browser and there I got confused.

The content (in form of text) is present. Everything else is not.

No stylesheets, no images are shown. So everything looks like

black-text on white background. If i check the sourcecode inside the browser

then I see that everything was loaded "successfully".

<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/assets/xyz/application-f850a9bf8f9ca4c8b52f430078d52a9a.css" data-turbolinks-track="true" />

<script src="/assets/xyz/application-be4f23807ebc81ad7ec898cdef9b3b65.js" data-turbolinks-track="true"></script>

are present. Also the images are. But they dont affect anything.

I tried to find a solution on google.com but still after 2 hours of research, i have not found anything that could help me.

Hey guys,

It is me again. I finally managed to solve the "problem". Well it was not really a problem. I forgot to mention to you that I switched from Webrick to Passenger server.

I was pre-compiling the assets during my app ran on Webrick server.

That's the reason why the assets were not available when I started the application with Passenger.

So I just re-pre-compiled the assets => restarted the Passenger server => reloaded my rails map and everything was just fine.