Where's the list of valid attributes / methods for column objects?

I'm trying to figure out what the valid attributes are on a column object. The Rails scaffolding generates a list view that uses column.column_name for example. ActiveRecord::Base#columns says it returns "an array of column objects for the table associated with this class". But I can't find a list of the attributes of / methods on a column object anywhere.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thanks, Bill


I'm trying to figure out what the valid attributes are on a column object. The Rails scaffolding generates a list view that uses column.column_name for example. ActiveRecord::Base#columns says it returns "an array of column objects for the table associated with this class". But I can't find a list of the attributes of / methods on a column object anywhere.

Try using script/console:

Let's say that you have a User model.

>> User.columns.first.methods => ["to_a", "respond_to?", "returning", "daemonize", "type", "limit", "protected_methods", "human_name", "silence_stream", "eql?", "number?", "instance_variable_set", "precision", "is_a?", "taguri", "hash", "to_s", "send", "dclone", "remove_subclasses_of", "ri", "pretty_print_cycle", "primary", "default", "with_options", "taguri=", "silence_warnings", "pretty_print_inspect", "class", "tainted?", "private_methods", "primary=", "__send__", "to_yaml", "to_yaml_properties", "untaint", "scale", "extend_with_included_modules_from", "id", "instance_eval", "inspect", "require_library_or_gem", "pretty_print", "klass", "type_cast_code", "clone", "text?", "public_methods", "b64encode", "extended_by", "extend", "require_gem", "freeze", "suppress", "display", "encode64", "instance_values", "po", "type_cast", "`", "__id__", "pretty_print_instance_variables", "methods", "==", "method", "sql_type", "decode64", "gem", "===", "to_json", "subclasses_of", "dup", "nil?", "enable_warnings", "instance_variables", "copy_instance_variables_from", "instance_of?", "load", "name", "poc", "to_param", "instance_exec", "=~", "object_id", "singleton_methods", "decode_b", "null", "unloadable", "taint", "equal?", "silence_stderr", "blank?", "instance_variable_get", "frozen?", "kind_of?", "require", "to_yaml_style"]

Regards, Andy Stewart

Also see:


~ j.