Where to go for RoR, lighttpd, mongrel help? Maybe here?

Hi everyone,

I've been trying to install RoR with a nifty server that has no problems for about 2 months now, on and off of course. I've tried it on CentOS and FC6.

Right now I've decided to concentrate on FC6 so I won't be too spread out. I found a good tutorial, although not meant for newbies (which I am) here:

I'm getting errors though and I've tried posting on different forums:

http://www.railsforum.com/viewtopic.php?id=2986 http://www.railsweenie.com/forums/6/topics/1182

I even contacted the guy that wrote the tutorial, exchanged several emails with him, solved some problems but others popped up. I even got tempted to ask him to ssh in then I realized I should be more respectful and get help elsewhere :slight_smile: But haven't gotten good enough help, probably because I've been posting on the wrong forums dedicated to rails only. I've been working on this tutorial for about a week now. Is there a place where I can get help for all technologies I'm using? It's hard to tell sometimes if it's mongrel, lighttpd or rails causing the problem.

Maybe this is the list? :slight_smile: If it is, I'm in dire need of help. I want to pull out my shaved hair.