whats wrong with my collection_select

Hi I have two tables Projects and Tasks each with their own respective Ms Vs and Cs

In my add task view I want to have a drop down box with Project names. I cant get it to work though. Ive read posts here, the api and i dotn really understand what the use of the first two arguments are? Are they used as tags for styling or is it the address of where the selected value is stored in params? (im using an old version of 1.2.3 while i complete a book but dont think this is related to this problem)

Here is the add view

<% form_for :task do |form| %> <fieldset>   <legend>Task Details</legend>   <label for="title">Title:</label>   <%= form.text_field :title %>   <label for="description">Description:</label>   <%= form.text_field :description %>   <label for="priority">Priority:</label>   <%= form.text_field :priority %>   <label for="completed">Completed:</label>   <%= form.check_box :priority %>   <label for="project"> Project </label>   <%= form.collection_select(:task, :project_id, Project.find(:all), :id, :get_title) %>   <%= submit_tag "Add Task!", :class => "submit" %> </fieldset> <% end %>

here is my project model

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :tasks   validates_presence_of :title

  #returns title   def get_title     self.title   end


here is the task model

class Task < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :project   TITLE_WIDTH = 30   validates_presence_of :title


can anyone spot a mistake or help me out.

Hi I have two tables Projects and Tasks each with their own respective Ms Vs and Cs

In my add task view I want to have a drop down box with Project
names. I cant get it to work though.

What happens/does not happen ?


sorry, forgot to include that part

heres the result from the browser

sorry, forgot to include that part

Because you're using form_for, the first argument ( :task ) should be
