What's this REST & ActiveResource all about?

Like the title says. I know the new version of Rails (1.2) will embrace REST & ActiveResource. But what does that mean? I searched google and wikipedia but can't seem to understand what it is.

Can anyone translate it to easier (read "noobisher") language?

David Heinemeier Hansson's keynote from Railsconf 2006 gives a good overview:


see also:

http://metaatem.net/2006/07/31/rest-and-rails-no-reason-to-be-scared http://david.goodlad.ca/articles/2006/08/02/simply_restful-in-rails-core http://www.ryandaigle.com/articles/2006/08/01/whats-new-in-edge-rails-simply-restful-support-and-how-to-use-it http://softiesonrails.com/articles/2006/09/25/quick-guide-to-the-new-scaffold_resource-generator


WoW that stuff is pretty impressive!!! Thanks for sharing the links, I learned a lot from them!

When does the next version of Rails ship? I can't wait.