What's the best way to install ruby/rails on Mac OS X?

Hello folks,

I've newly bought a Mac and am new to it. I want to install Ruby on Rails on it (Ruby, Rails, SVN, Apache, MySQL, ...) but I'm not sure which way is the best.

Should I go for Fink? OpenDarwin? Or just install them directly on mac.

What about something in Fink, something in OpenDarwin and something directly?

Using opendarwin (now macports) here, and it's working great.

I'm new to macs and never tried fink, but afaik port is the the standard package manager on freebsd, thus probably not a bad choice. It has subversion, apache 2.2.2, ruby, rubygems, postgres and anything else i've needed.

Followed the recipe on 国产初高中情侣激情无码视频_成人性爱欧美日韩_亚洲激情h_成人AV激情人伦小说阅读 . (stopped after installing postgres. don't want/need fcgi/lighty/mysql/apache on my dev box.)
