What to use //= require_tree or js,css incude tag in application.erb ?

Hi ,

We are using reqiure_tree in our application.js and application.css.

As per i know require_tree include all js and css in application.js and application.css .

We include application file of both .js and .css in our application.erb.

Q . We include both .js and .css application file in application.erb .

Is including in application.erb, did all .js and .css file are included in application.erb or not ?

If yes , than why we include each .js and .css one more time in application.erb ?


Assume that i make myjs.js and mycss.css and put them respectively in asset folder.


<%= stylesheet_link_tag “application”, :media => “all” %>

	<%= stylesheet_link_tag "mycss"  %># is i have to include it here or above line  is enough for me because we have use require_tree in application.css and which include all .css in application.css

<%= javascript_include_tag “application” %>

	<%= javascript_include_tag "myjs" %># is i have to include it here or above line  is enough for me because we have use require_tree in application.js and which include all .js in application.js.

I am confused .

Hope you will understood the situation .


Fahim Babar Patel