What is `where` used for in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::IndexDefinition

Hi! I’m trying to understand activerecord internals and wanted to know what is the where attribute defined in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::IndexDefinition used for?

Why do we need a where attribute for indexes?

For me the object looks like


and where is nil, can’t figure out what it is used for.

Thanks !

This is used to represent the filter that many database engines allow you to use in order to create a “partial” index. Here’s a Postgres example, and the same works in Sqlite:

CREATE INDEX employee_phone_ix ON employees (phone)
  WHERE phone != '' AND phone IS NOT NULL;

Microsoft SQL Server is just about the same, and they call theirs a “filtered” index:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX employee_phone_ix ON employees (phone)
  WHERE phone != '' AND phone IS NOT NULL;

Weirdly in Oracle and MySQL you can only create a filtered index based on a specific expression, for Oracle it’s something like:

CREATE INDEX employee_phone_ix ON employees (CASE WHEN phone = '' THEN NULL ELSE phone END);

and then your SELECT needs to have the CASE statement verbatim!

Here’s MySQL’s version, where you have to create a filter based on an expression, and place it in double parenthesis:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX employee_phone_ix ON employees ((CASE WHEN phone = '' THEN NULL ELSE phone END));
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