what is the h for in <td><%=h s.name %></td>?

<% songs.each do |s| %>     <td><%=h s.name %></td> <% end %>

If i will remove the h..the output is still the same.. thank you for your replies

<% songs.each do |s| %>    <td><%=h s.name %></td> <% end %>

If i will remove the h..the output is still the same.. thank you for your replies

h is an alias for sanitize_html.

Try this...

<%= "<b>bold?</b>" %>


<%= h "<b>bold?</b>" %>

That said... the behavior is different in Rails 3... which sanitizes by default. So, in Rails three, try this...

<%= "<b>bold?</b>" %>


<%= raw "<b>bold?</b>" %>


Ahh...Now I understand better. Thank you Sir.