Hello there. Im trying to update date by using the helper periodically_call_remote but seems like it doesnt exist anymore on Rails 3. So is there any other way i could do that?
Googling for rails 3 periodically _call_remote yields many hits and several alternative ways.
i tried it but i've run into other posts asking the same question. Not any answer related to Rails 3 and Periodically_call_remote
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i tried it but i've run into other posts asking the same question. Not any answer related to Rails 3 and Periodically_call_remote
Curious. I just tried Colin’s suggested Google search term, and got lots of likely-looking results; the top being a stackoverflow post about how to do it with jquery…
Filippos wrote in post #974933:
i tried it but i've run into other posts asking the same question. Not any answer related to Rails 3 and Periodically_call_remote
I'd guess that periodically_call_remote was pulled because it's directly dependent on the Prototype JavaScript framework. It's a thin wrapper around Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater.
In any case it's relatively easy to implement that functionality. The JS frameworks don't even really make it all that much easier than straight up JavaScript.
If you really want it back the helper has been extracted to: