i'm writing an app that wants to fetch a URL from a remote server and
return the html text file to the app. i've been told there are some
xml parsers for perl that have request functionality built right in.
is there such a thing for Ruby or if nothing else the possibility of
using WGET from within a Ruby program.
thanks in advance for any help.
you probably want #read in open-uri (or Net::HTTP)
or you could just backtick:
`curl http::/yourURLhere`
> i'm writing an app that wants to fetch a URL from a remote server and
> return the html text file to the app. i've been told there are some
If you just want to fetch the page text :
require 'open-uri';
html = open("http://yahoo.com").readlines
puts html
If you need to extract part(s) of the page, use Hpricot
require 'rubygems';
require 'open-uri'
require 'hpricot'
doc = Hpricot(open("http://yahoo.com"))
title = doc.search('title').text
body = doc.search('body' ).text
links = doc .search("a").collect{|a| a['href'] }
puts title
puts body
puts links.to_yaml
Hpricot also lets you modify the page contents :
doc.search('a').each{|link| link.swap(link.inner_html)}
turns all the
<a href="....">something</a>
Alain Ravet