I found a few errors in my production log like this below
ActionView::TemplateError : No such file or directory - / path_of_rails_app/public/../config/../app/views/layouts/ simple_html.rhtml In app/views/layouts/simple_html.rhtml
It's so weird because the error was happend in the file it said "no such file or directory". Our site has about 500 thousand pageviews 1 day now , and this error happend (2-200) times one day, mostly it is layout file, I can't reproduce it in my testing , I just heard the complaint from 2 guests and found it in log.
Our environment is "lighttpd 1.4.16 , ruby 1.8.6 , rails 1.2.3, fastcgi , production" Maybe It happend when rails try to reloading the rhtml files, Can I disable the automatic reloading of rhtml files in rails view in produciont environment ? or have anyone met this problem before?