i'have started a discussion in dragonfly google group because of problems using dragonfly image processing gem with wicked_pdf. http://groups.google.com/group/dragonfly-users/browse_thread/thread/c8602007c3e43753
In these post I have linked to a public github project for testing this issue.
There's also a heroku app: http://wicked.heroku.com/projects.pdf
debug mode of wicked_pdf: http://wicked.heroku.com/projects.pdf?debug=true (the html pdf view)
Sometimes the pdf creation is succesfull,(after heroku restart)
So perhaps it's a server bug
I've created a html view and have made all resources absolute (images src, js, css files). But pdf rendering fails and I got some error by uisng shotgun with webrick. Testing with webrick (rails s command) i got an endless request.
Any thoughts?